My Endearing Bond with Nature in Busy Chennai City

Fast moving life, menacing sounds of the vehicles, polluted environment, sultry weather, junk food and skyscraper buildings are the common terms anyone might come across by living in the city. On the contrary, I live in a house surrounded with lush green trees on a sloppy mountain of St. Thomas Mount. The entire vicinity reverberates with the sounds of the birds since dawn to dusk. I enjoy watching the squirrels digging at the ripen jack fruit, cuckoo birds singing in its mellow voice, the mongoose roaming around for its prey and the leaves effortlessly falling from the trees.

A Sapodilla left by a bird
With all the little creatures, in the green environment, my life here moves swiftly and I gradually built a bond with these plants, trees, birds and animals. After a few months, I began keeping some food and grains on the terrace for the birds and animals. The squirrels, crows and cats come rushing and fight with each other for the food. It became a routine for me and following this I would occasionally find some fruits dropped at the steps of threshold. In the beginning I thought that some birds might have dropped by mistake.  As it became routine, it occurred to me that they show their gratitude by sharing their food with me. In most of the time, the fruit will be uneaten and fresh. This magical connection with the nature always exhilarates me to live in a beautiful place in the city. 
A squirrel feasting on a jack fruit in our backyard. 


Paulson said…
How could you allow a squirrel to munch the fruit. The fruit is costly.
ha ha we leave some fruits for them as they wander around our vicinity.

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